What is in the love letter?
→ These love letters are essentially a mini fictional story to bring a little joy to others. Guests have the option to choose up to (5) words to curate a love letter. Unless otherwise stated, the selected words will be used to guide the story.
→ Guests also have the option to request a more personal letter.

How much is a love letter?
→ Depends, on the setting. I often offer a pay what you can model in person but letters are always $20 with delivery.

I don’t want to wait in line. Is there an option for online ordering?
→ Yes! Feel free to visit this link.

How long does it take to receive a love letter in person?
→ Around 10 - 15 mins.

How long does it take to receive a love letter through delivery?
→ 2 - 3 weeks. Depending on the amount of inquiries, love letters are usually delivered within 2 weeks.

Do the love letters have to be addressed to a loved one?
→ Nope! These love letters aren’t just for lovers. They can also be for you. Or your dog, your plant, parents, friends, an ode to that bug you murdered. The possibilities are endless.

Why the prompts?
→ These love letters are essentially mini fictional love letter to bring a little joy to others. Unless otherwise stated,(and you want the love letter to be more specific) a love letter will use the selected words to guide the story.